

Eskene Construction” LLP is a company providing a range of construction and installation services, fabrication and erection of steel structures, pipelines and units.

Eskene Construction LLP, from top management to the working staff, is committed to ensuring the health and safety of employees in all areas of business activities, as well as ensuring the reliable reputation of Eskene Construction LLP.

Employees are the most important resource for the company and therefore their health, safety and welfare are always the Company’s first priority.

The top management of Eskene Construction LLP takes responsibility for the implementation of occupational health and safety policy, and the commitment to meet the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, as well as the following commitments:

—        Provide a safe and healthy work environment to prevent work-related injuries and ill health;

—        Be appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the organization and the nature of health and safety risks and opportunities;

—        Comply with RoK legal requirements and other requirements;

—        To eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks

—        Continuously improve the health and safety management system

—        Conduct consultations and ensure participation of employees, and employee representatives where available;

—        Establish a framework for setting and analyzing health and safety goals;

—        Train and inform Eskene Construction LLP employees, as well as contractor/subcontractor employees about potential risks associated with their work and safe work practices;

—        Provide Eskene Construction LLP employees and contractor/subcontractor employees with workplaces with safe working conditions;

—        Exercise the right to stop work when potentially hazards and risks arise during work activities.

Eskene Construction LLP employees determine responsibility based on an assessment of the risks of company operations at each workplace and help alert management to potential hazards and prevent potential incidents in a timely manner.


Compliance with internal policies of “Eskene Construction” LLP Company is clearly regulated for all the employees both at employment and at work performance.

Non-compliance with the Policy is a grossest violation and implicates the strict disciplinary sanctions up to the termination of employment agreement.

Company reserve its right to conduct a random testing in order to enforce the control over the requirements of the Policy.


—        Prevention of the use and the distribution of alcohol, drugs (addictive), psychotropic and other substances, which have a detrimental effect on physical and health condition of the Company’s employees.

—        Prevention of accidents, injuries and damages to the Company’s property and reputation caused by the use and distribution of the mentioned substances.


—        It is strictly forbidden to bring, keep, sell, buy and distribute alcohol, drugs (addictive) or other illicit psychotropic substances within the territory of production facilities, camps, dormitory accommodations owned or leased by “Eskene Construction” LLP.

—        Appearance at work under the influence of alcohol, drugs (addictive) and other psychotropic substances is strictly, forbidden both at Company facilities where Company employees work and at Customer’s facilities.

—        It is forbidden to use alcohol, drugs (addictive) and other psychotropic substances while crew change, being transported from/to the work location and while business trips.

—        If there is suspicion of substance abuse, a medical worker of “Eskene Construction” LLP has a right to carry out a medical examination of the employee. In case of employee’s refusal to pass a medical examination, the employee shall be immediately suspended from work until the situation is clarified and be subject to disciplinary measures.


—        The requirements of this policy are applicable to all the personnel of “Eskene Construction” LLP Company, Contractors and Subcontractors personnel as well as to visitors being in premises and facilities of Company.

—        Each employee shall be responsible for compliance with Safety requirements.


As part of Company’s commitment to keep its employees healthy, the Company’s Management recognizes that smoking has damaging effect both on the health of smoker and of people around them.

This Policy is implemented to ensure the right of the Company’s employees to work in smoke free environment as well as to protect Company property against potential fire.


—        Full compliance with Anti-smoking Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

—        Promotion of healthy lifestyle in Company;

—        A ban on smoking of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes in all premises, facilities (sites), and vehicles of Company as well as in accommodation premises;

—        Regulation of smoking in each Company’s facility;

—        Communicating the Policy to all employees of Company as well as to all Contractors and Subcontractors’ employees.

Smoking is allowed in the Smoking Designated Areas only. In order to prevent fires, the smokers must properly dispose cigarette butts in the designated ash tray bins.

This Policy applies to all employees of Company, and as well employees of contractors,    strict compliance with the Policy is provided by Contract of Employment. Strong disciplinary actions, which may and have included termination of an employment contract, will be taken against the violators of the Policy.


The Company’s Management recognizes that transport is one of the greatest sources of hazards and risks which threaten safety of Company’s employees as well as Contractors and Subcontractors’ employees.

Since the motor vehicles are an integral part of business operations, the Company’s Management established this Policy that is mandatory for all the employees.


—        Involve only trained and qualified drivers for motor vehicle driving;

—        Monitor the health condition and well-being of drivers both prior to employment and during the period of employment as well as medical examination of all drivers regardless of motor vehicle they assigned to;

—        Never drive vehicle while being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, psychotropic and other substances affecting a physical well-being and health of drivers;

—        Prevent physical overload (physically disturbing) of drivers;

—        Improve safe driving culture of drivers by providing of relevant trainings;

—        Use properly operating and inspected motor vehicles only;

—        Ensure regular inspections and periodic technical examination of motor vehicles conducted by third parties;

—        Prohibit the use of any means of communication by drivers while driving, this includes hands free headset;

—        Use of safety belts by driver and all the passengers of motor vehicles;

—        Strict compliance with road traffic rules, speed limits and safe distance rules;

—        Encourage and award best drivers;

—        Ensure all employees of Company as well as Contractors and Subcontractors’ employees are aware of the existing Policy of Company.

Disciplinary actions will be taken against the violators of the Policy.

Download Eskene Construction LLP policies (PDF):

EC-HS-PY-001 OHS Policy (rev.02).KZ.RU.ENG

EC-HS-PY-002 Alcohol and Drug policy (rev.01).KZ.RU.ENG.pdf

EC-HS-PY-003 No smoking policy (rev.01).KZ.RU.ENG.pdf

EC-HS-PY-004 Road transport policy (rev.01).KZ.RU.ENG.pdf

Environmental Policy

Contact Us

tender.spec@eskene.com, talgat.bukembayev@eskene.com

+7 701 032 8249
+7 705 478 58 47
