Fabrication of Structural Steel for TCO/KPJV

Project Goal: Our goal is to deliver high-quality structural steel components meeting the exact specifications and standards required by TCO/KPJV.

Production Capacity: With a capacity of 622 tons, we are equipped to handle large-scale fabrication requirements efficiently.

Place of Project Implementation: The project will be executed in the Atyrau area, ensuring local engagement and support.

Timeline: June 2015 — June 2016 (10 Months)

Client: TCO/KPJV

Scope of work includes as follows but not limited:

  • Engineering, supply and construction, testing, pre-commissioning of the full scope:
  • Engineering of design, fabrication detail drawings (KMD) and marking plans
  • Procurement of raw materials
  • Fabrication of steel structures
  • Sandblasting and painting of fabricated goods
  • QA/QC inspections (non-destructive examination, shop-testing, QA/QC reports prior to deliver all inspected items.
Contact Us

tender.spec@eskene.com, talgat.bukembayev@eskene.com

+7 701 032 8249
+7 705 478 58 47